Toink toink ... Ada surat untuk awak, MR. AYAM.

Ke hadapan MR. AYAM yang saya kasihi,
Saya nak minta maaf sebab :-
1. Buat status yang macam .... T_T

I think I should not write like this ... I'm sorry. I know that it is my fault. I just want to let you know that I am angry with you. I can't be matured like the other girl that you know. Even I am 19 years old but sometimes I doesn't look like a girl aged 19 years old. It is me.
2. Marah-marah dan salahkan awak.
I do not mean to do that, to say something like that last night ... I'm sorry. You are the one who make me angry, so ... I should be like that last night. Right? Yeah, don't blame me and don't blame you. So? Who will I blame?
3. Selalu cari gaduh dengan awak dan selalu kacau awak tidur.
Still remember what you've said before ... "KALAU AWAK TAK KACAU SAYA TIDUR, SIAPA LAGI NAK KACAU" :D ... Go and ask another girl lah. HUH! Hmmm, of course I will. I am the bad girl who like to disturb people around me. Even you always told me to be a good girl but I'm still be a mischievous girl.
p.s. You are allowed to reveal your identity, MR. AYAM. :D Do you really dare?
2 orang doakan FATIN MIRA jadi ENGINEER:
mr ayam, berani tak? hheee....
nanti you all dah baik2 gi la makan tutti frutti...
HAHA! i'm waiting for his answer too. :D
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